January ← 2013 ← FREE KRAUT! ← Page 2

Favorite Simple Dish Lounge 172

For lunch I had pasta where I made matchsticks and fried off some rashers of bacon till crispy, then threw in tomatoes and capers until soft and saucy.  Toss the pasta in the bacon grease/tomato and caper juice sauce and serve.  Takes 10 total minutes. It made me think about MikeV talking about easy recipes ...

The Lounge Where We Make Up Answers 278

I figured it’s time for a new lounge. The other one done got mighty full, now, dinnit. Friends, if Kay’s application to represent FK at BlogFest is accepted, she’ll need to arrive loaded with questions. She has a few things in mind, but unlike a representative who shirks the electorate after the election, she wants ...

Content Rermoved 604

Content Removed

Suspicion of Public Devastation 587

1. I can’t wait for HSR.

Fresh lounge smell 567

Is it FanFest yet? Also, if anyone has a Scentsy (got one for Christmas)… what scents do you recommend? I’m definitely loving frankincense & myrrh. (No gold, I know, right?)

The Lounge where we turn it on again. 387

Okay…funtime is over, I’m back. Now, how about we take this A’s related blog back to the things it should be talking about? Golf, Arkansas and the genius of Phil Collins. Lounge em’ if you got em’

Mmmmm, sounds delish! 303

Need a new load-bearing grill to handle the weight of these links: 1. More than 23 years since Loma Prieta…they could have built the new bridge in 2:17! 2. There will be an awesome comet fly-by in late 2013. 3. I wouldn’t have thought it would be lucrative enough to warrant smuggling garlic, but apparently ...

Chris Saenz 58

You have probably never heard of Chris Saenz, but he is a member of a very exclusive club of Major League Baseball players. The only member. Saenz was never much of a prospect. Although born and raised in Tuscon, Arizona he never managed to get into University of Arizona or Arizona State University, the hotbeds ...

01/08/13 Lounge: If you build it… 291

… they will Lounge. I don’t want to do homework. Entertain me, please.

FK Learns to Shoot 184

Ok folks. The holidays are over and the new year is upon us. It’s time to get serious about learning to shoot/hunt. I’ve done some research on our options, but before I get into that, I want to quickly address the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary head on because a couple of FKers have ...