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Matt Cartmill reads FK 58

I think he likes us. This is a book site that contradicts itself a hundred times; but that is not a criticism of it, because its author thinks contradictions are a sign of intellectual ferment and vitality. This is a book site that systematically distorts and selects historical evidence; but that is not a criticism, ...

I’m not FKing Over It. 293

The only thing cooler than last night (other than A’s success):

Grilled Carolinian Colbert 117

Kudos to MLB for a brilliant idea. Kudos to Colbert for kicking ass with it: Pro Tip: If you're taken out to the ballgame, you don't need peanuts AND crackerjacks. The crackerjacks already have peanuts. #Colbert — MLB (@MLB) August 5, 2011 Looking for the latest in pitching stats? Go to right now! #Colbert ...

XKCD = Grill 63

Brilliant! Also, of course Kz is the sole Athletic able to quickly recover from injuries.

Let me hear you say “Huh?” 84

Things that made me say “Huh” this morning: New age-y bullshit is bullshit. This is a picture of our ‘hood. In 5,000 megapixels. Fact-checkers continue to get the Ryan plan wrong. I knew Ellis had a real shot at history’s greatest Dakotan baseball player. I didn’t know he was up against Duchsherererererer Huh?

Grill 4/25/11: Twitter and Baseball Porn 67

I really really like this McCarthy guy (he even responds to tweets from some jackass named Urf). Isn't it annoying when you're trying to watch highlights of yourself on Sportscenter, but they keep showing NBA? #loljkmaybe #athleteproblem — Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) April 22, 2011 @desomatt @BrettAnderson49 I think my relationship with my wife would be ...

I read the internet so you don’t have to 106

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU So Excited… Taxes are low. Smart thinking about health care cost choices. And a fun one:

Grilled Otter Pops 84

In a day with no A’s news, I needed to delve deeper into the tagline. We can all relax, Otter Pops production elves hand wash. Automatically. Other links: DFWAS YOTD, new information division We were always at war with Eastasia poor people. Linked for two awesome comments. Do you prefer Wellington or Sam Johnson? As ...

Zero Displacement Grill 73

This grill will pick you up, and slap you back down again. You’ll end up right here. Going up 1: I won’t fall into any traps about a talented person’s character, but the voice is awesome and it looks like Ted Williams is going to get a second chance. And fast. Going down 1: There ...

Welcome to FK 3.0 21

The transition is complete, and I think I got everything that I was worried would be lost. For those of you who visited after the transition but before right now, there’s a chance unread comments that I just pulled over will be considered read by the system, so don’t be too shocked if that happens.  ...