December ← 2011 ← FREE KRAUT! ← Page 2

I’ve been told not to post, but these stooges don’t scare me 54

Merry Fking Christmas Nicely done, Drum: Republican leaders have not been content with attacks on me, or my wife. No, not content with that, they now include my little dog, Bo. Well, of course, I don’t resent attacks, and my family don’t resent attacks — but Bo does resent them. You know, Bo is ...

The K word 655

Please never "+K" me in Klout or I will assault you. — Old Hoss Radbourn (@OldHossRadbourn) December 22, 2011 Kalle Anka Korea and the Kims Kirchik kept asking We are in the last throes of the era of Ezra Klein Klondike and the Frito Kid CK Kraut Squad assemble!

There was an F word involved 51

“NEWT GINGRICH” — a Bad Lip Reading Soundbite – watch more funny videos Muni-themed wedding? Muni-themed wedding. Say what you like about the tenets of communism … Salb8

A dazzling display of gibberish 165

Yeah, that is a great sentence. Cockblocking DFA That is one FKing great sentence: At Pacific Gas and Electric Co. headquarters, officials searched for a clue.

“Gone to Crook City to preach, and if God is willing, will be back at three o’clock.” Deadwood, Se1, Ep1 95

Palestine, Texas 129

This song got stuck in my head this weekend. Frank who was swank robbed a bank with a tank for a prank Sam who was glam ran a scam from Siam to Viet Nam Dean who was clean had a scene with the queen for a magazine Joe wasn’t slow but didn’t know how to ...

The five most intriguing Sellers 132

Questions about his FK use 77

That sounds like slash fiction. RT @mattyglesias: I only met Hitchens one. Early afternoon in the AEI men's room in 2004. He was drunk. — Spencer Ackerman (@attackerman) December 16, 2011 a startled lemur Some teams don't believe in Darvish as frontline No. 1 guy: questions about type of baseball he used, about competition, about ...

Sex barbeque 125

I am told the #Athletics did not bid on Yu Darvish. He'll still help them – teams that lose bid are expected to go hard after Gio Gonzalez. — Susan Slusser (@susanslusser) December 15, 2011 What's the etiquette on telling someone you had a dream in which they were killed by a sea-dwelling polygamous cult? ...

The Kult of Kraut 148

FK. Even more depressing than Ken Russell’s passing. RIP Russell Hoban. The Reopold Diet? Can’t wait to see this mikev bait I honestly have no idea about the validity of this thesis