February ← 2012 ← FREE KRAUT! ← Page 7

ProspectFK: CPL — #3 136

[poll id=”5″] The winners of Round 1 were Michael Choice and Jarrod Parker.

The Thursday Grill 224

1. I think that one of the things we are truly bad at as a society is risk management and mitigation. Asking ourselves how much is an astronaut’s life worth is a valid question when it comes to making decisions. And, to bait nm, the TSA is a great example of bad risk management, where ...

Justified – Season 3, Episode 3 – Villains, villains everywhere 11

One of the first things you have to realize about Justified is that the plot doesn’t necessarily have to work for the episode to be successful.

The Lounge where if you buy one you get your second kraut for free 596

Hey there,  hi there,  ho there….welcome to The Lounge.

Hey, Nice Marmot 268

I’m headed to the Ecofarm conference in a couple hours, so unless any of you FKers are attending, you won’t see me for a few days.